Thursday, November 02, 2006


Day 153

The end has come. 152 days behind us. How awesome those days were. O, how heavy the feeling after coming home from a week's holiday in Hawaii--times 22! Oh freedom--we shall miss you!

Today we leave St. Andrew's. Sunday pack. Monday fly home.

The last 10 days we've been hanging out with Kate and John and getting to know 3 month old Micah J. Here are a few photos of some of Micah's current hobbies. (Plus a few of the gorgeous Scottish coast because I can't resist. I shall so miss Europe's beauty!)

Bath time, splashing,...

getting kisses,...

wheelies on the beach,...


ooooohhing, aaaaahhing,...

looking cute,...

sitting on people's heads,...

leaping flying,...


and finally, Micah in the 70s.

Wild and windy coast...

Kate, Matt and Micah out for a walk.

Sunset at low tide in St. Andrew's.

Caio! Thanks for tuning in to the two bosses on their grand tour.


...or maybe not...


At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thankyou for sharing of your thoughts and pics along the way; it has been a wonderful experience to see where you have been and the reaction to that what is around you.
DAD Good

At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Micah is one beauuuuutiful baby! And Scotland looks like a great place to visit - and live! hmmm....just joking....I am staying here for awhile.

I am praying for a safe flight home and am really looking forward to talking to you soon!

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys look great!

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!!!!! So lovable.M Sandra - just a tip - why not do professional photography? MOF

PS My cousin does that in Calgary, has her own website etc. She just started doing weddings, and she has a very sucessful business.

At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait to see you. we'll be at the airport at 3:40 p.m. on Monday.

Don and Gwen


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