The Other Boss
So it seems that a certain someone has been more prolific than me. I don't hope to catch up. The pictures say it so much better even if I'm not the one taking them. Truth be told, I can't even claim to be in Zen-mode taking in all the sights and having amazing revelations. The revelations are small and incremental. The trick it seems is to capture and implement the truth revealed. I'm pretty sure I could spend the rest of my life putting into practice the truth revealed until now.
Humility seems to be the order of the day.
Did I mention my travel partner? She is wonderfully patient with me as I circle round on my little cart. God has truly blessed me.
Now that the halfway mark is a distant memory, the questions that prompted us to go on this trip start to rear their heads. I feel like I must get down to business and do some serious reflecting and concluding otherwise I'll have nothing to show for the time away and the money spent. But I'm going to fight that sense of panic with everything in me. I may have left thinking this trip was about some big direction-- about planning out the rest of our lives so we could live them without doubt. But that is definitely not what it's about because there's no faith in that and this life is not a one-time opportunity to get it right (sorry Eminem).
Today (and tomorrow) will be lived seeking the grace, love and direction for it.
and then there's forgiveness... this trip seems to have a few themes for me so far: forgiveness, honesty, submission. These are the things I'm learning about not my passions and vocation. and that is just fine.
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