Float naked.
My best holiday moment has finally happened.
Yesterday morning I padded quietly down to the beach by myself. Only a few people were in the distance, also stealing some quiet moments alone with the Med, since every afternoon it's a busy buzzing flesh-fest. And then I watched the sun rise from in the water, naked--glowing white in the still warm aqua. I floated effortlessly. Stared at the sun streaming along the water onto me. Revelled in the big dome above me. Floating on your back in the water, you can really experience the earth as globe. And I love globes, circles, curves. Usually the the world does look just flat. A new perspective bringing me a little closer to the reality I forget.
And the freedom. Heaven better be like floating naked in the Med. Floating, soaking in the light, enjoying the weightlessness. No feeling is quite like the weightlessness of swimming. The closest thing I've felt lately is having no home, very few belongings, isolated by language--ie. being on this trip. It can be unsettling. To just float and trust--that nothing is going to swim up and bite you in the ass. I think that's why we cling to physical possessions. Piles of weight to tether us to the ground so we don't just float off weightless. Even homeless people gather a cart of stuff--debris from our modern life. We like stuff. It's safe. Keeps us feeling physical instead of floating off into the world of spirit which is just so strange and unknown. But what if all our feelings of dread are for nothing? What if the only thing in the water is Good? We've been able to shake loose for a few months, and it's been freeing, like being naked in public with no shame, just pure enjoyment.
Do it. Float naked. I dare you.
I can identify with the feeling of 'almost' homelessness, but not floating naked in the Med. hmmm....
Ask Matt about his 'naked' experience in Northern Ontario when he was about 12! I'm sure he hasn't forgotten!
Glad that you are still enjoying - but we sure do miss you at home!
shaking loose. i long for that. i need to re-prioritize my life. so i can more often. or at all. the naked part. i will be heading to an onsen soon. not as freeing as your experience. not freeing at all.
i miss you!
love les
last year, when God asked me what I wanted from him and of him, my reply was, "To go deeper." And my interpretation of that was to hear more and play a bigger part in his kingdom through my prayers.
his response to that was, "Lay everything down. Strip naked," he said, "and leave it all behind, then come down off the beaten path into the river."
I thought, "Why? What's in the river?"
"Me," he said. "Come inside me, not just for a visit, but come stay, remain, wait. Don't come with an agenda, looking to find something or expecting to learn. Don't try to fulfill a prophecy. Don't have any motivations driving you or keeping you there... No more purposeful questions or seeking answers. No more words or exhortations."
So I did. I walked away from it all and jumped in. I feared losing all that I had gained but somehow knew I had no other choice if I really wanted to go deeper. But the amazing thing was, I began to see love wasn't about what I could offer. Even though my head knew all that, my heart didn't.
Then it went further. I had to face the longings to belong and be loved without being able to do anything about it. I faced temptations--and failed--but his love remained, he remained, I remained. And I began to slowly realize he didn't need me or want me to do anything for his kingdom except love him.
And now I know I belong.
Isolation and Belonging by Heidi Greiner-Miller
pam did this.
All I can add to an otherwise perfect post is that I even more strongly endorse said floating as a couple sport...
C. Henze
just want you to know i reread your posts
they are worthy.
the naked good in the blue med
no picts, i guess
we're not public pubic.
just spiritual in a literal sense
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