Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fireworks From A Plane

Do you like fireworks?

Ever seen fireworks from a plane?

Ever seen hundreds of separate fireworks displays from a plane?

Last night when we flew into London from Glasgow I got to see all the glory of Guy Fawkes night. In 1605 some bloke was foiled while trying to blow up the parliament buildings and now every year on the eve of my mom's birthday there are thousands of fireworks displays put on and bonfires burnt.

I captured some video. It's pretty dark, but if you look close you can see it. It looks just like flashbulbs going off at a big sports match, but they're actually fireworks going off all over the countryside of greater London.


ps. We went to church at Westminster Cathedral this morning. It was terrific. A very nice peaceful close to this trip.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Day 153

The end has come. 152 days behind us. How awesome those days were. O, how heavy the feeling after coming home from a week's holiday in Hawaii--times 22! Oh freedom--we shall miss you!

Today we leave St. Andrew's. Sunday pack. Monday fly home.

The last 10 days we've been hanging out with Kate and John and getting to know 3 month old Micah J. Here are a few photos of some of Micah's current hobbies. (Plus a few of the gorgeous Scottish coast because I can't resist. I shall so miss Europe's beauty!)

Bath time, splashing,...

getting kisses,...

wheelies on the beach,...


ooooohhing, aaaaahhing,...

looking cute,...

sitting on people's heads,...

leaping flying,...


and finally, Micah in the 70s.

Wild and windy coast...

Kate, Matt and Micah out for a walk.

Sunset at low tide in St. Andrew's.

Caio! Thanks for tuning in to the two bosses on their grand tour.


...or maybe not...