Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Stonehenge and other rocks

From Bath we did a daytrip out to Stonehenge, Avebury, and two picturesque villages. Quite a grand day. Here are the photos from that day:

English countryside. So infamous it is like a character on the scene all itself, and understandably so. It is lush, tranquil, most idyllic. It soothes the soul and weary traveller.

Um, if you don't know what this is then you've been living under a rock. It was indescribable to finally see this in person after seeing it a million times in pictures. But, after some time you realize we've made it into just rocks. Only the birds could touch it as were roped off from it. I never felt so jealous of a bird. I so wanted to lay my hands on those rough, lichen covered stones, like ancient hands had done 5000 years ago after a long hike through shaded woods. Then it was not exposed as it is now, stripped of mystery. When I thought of how it had been versus now, and watched the careless birds fly all around in it, I realized this circle reflects us as we are now. Stumbling about in the sacred, careless and without a sense of the holy around us, stripped of soul awareness and exposed in our barrenness. But that is a beautiful place to start a pilgrimage, isn't it?

Is that a face I see in the ancient rocks? What could it mean? We'll never know! Ah, mysterious places...

Sarsen stones, like at Stonehenge, but this time at Avebury. These are in the original shape, rather than being beaten into rectangular shapes as at the more famous site. A circle 16 times the size of Stonehenge. It's actually two smaller stone circles in one large one enclosed by a giant ditch. The great thing about a less famous site is that its equally as cool, far less tourists, and free.

Big rocks, small boys.

Lunch in picturesque Lacoc at George's, the oldest lisenced pub in England, having held one for 600 years.

Lacoc. The Prince's sweetie has a home here. It is also where the BBC filmed their best film, "Pride and Prejudice." Harry Potter dining room scene's were also filmed here. So as you can gather, this mini town is quite the joint.

Matt enjoying his first Whippy in Lacoc.

I like old graveyards. I like Matt.

Equally picturesque village of Castle Combe. Famous for nothing escept being cute.

Sheep are cute, too.


At 4:55 PM, Blogger Mindi said...

You have been taking amazing pictures!!
I feel like I'm there.


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